Windows Server

Active Directory: How to perform an Offline Domain Join

What sounds strange actually works. An offline domain join. Why do you need an offline domain join? Maybe you want to order a completely finished PC from your supplier, which is already joined to the domain without ever having had contact to this domain. Let’s get started.

Steps on the Domain-Controller

Open PowerShell ISE oder VS Code. Provide the domain name and computer name. Then run djoin to deploy your client to the domain.

$domain = 'pagr.inet'
$comp = 'catvie-002'
djoin /provision /domain $domain /machine $comp /savefile $home\$comp.txt

The file should look like this.

Transfer this file to new client.

Steps on the Client-Computer

Run the following command to offline domain-join the client computer.

djoin /requestodj /loadfile C:\YourFile.txt /windowspath c:\windows /localos

Now only the client needs to contact the domain.

Mission completed. Hope this was helpful and you are now able to perform an offline domain join.

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